Iron (galvanized), painting (white), photos
W4000 D4000 H900 mm
Iron: W4000 D260 H260 mm
Iron (galvanized): W4012 D272 H272 mm
Gallery GAN, Tokyo, Japan
“Local and Global” “Countryside and City” “Space art ought to be and not to be” It appears the invisible presence by facing up both side. There were 170 (a number of name list) visitors in 6 days exhibition period. Many people related with artists and architecture also visited this exhibition. As a personal impression, they put higher value on architectural factor than artistic factor for the evaluation. I don’t expect good evaluation, but I believe I got definite objective opinions. It helped me to know which direction I am going.
A horizon in the countryside, verticality towards horizontality like a horizon, horizontality towards verticality like a skyscraper in a city.
Turning your head horizontally in the countryside, and vertically in the city. This cannot be discovered until you observe the places from both aspects. We can see things with multiple perspectives from observing from outside. I hope that it helps to broaden the world in this time and age requiring a worldwide perspective.
Translated by Nomi Satomi
「ローカルとグローバル」「田舎と都市」「従来の美術のあるべき空間とそうでない空間」各々両者を対峙させることによりそれらに内在する不可視的な存在をあらわにする。開催期間6 日、来廊者数170 名(芳名帳)。美術関係者、建築関係者も数多く来廊された。個人的感想として建築的要素での評価が大きく、美術的要素での評価が希薄に感じられた。評価を期待しているのではないが, 確かな客観的意見が聞けたような気がする。自分が進んでいる方向性への参考になった。